I-L38 – FigUre Tree – 2019-v7.10

This is the last Y-FigUre tree for 2019.
Just recently two aDNA samples have been added. R11 lived about 12000 years ago and was found in the Grotta Continenza in L’Aquila Italy. It tested positive for five SNPs of the Y10705 block.
Ancient Rome: A genetic crossroads of Europe and the Mediterranean

SUC009 lived about 3800 years ago and was found in Su Crucifissu Mannu, Sicily, Italy. It tested positive for two SNPs of the L38 block, but is negative for L38.
Population history from the Neolithic to present on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia: An ancient DNA perspective

The subgroup Y125026 was divided into three parts using the STR marker DYS448. The quality of this marker is not sufficient and in this example only experimental. All test persons of Y125026 from Greece come from the same region. (Distance of the places about 30 km)

This I-L38 – FigUre tree is also available as PDF for download: I-L38 – FigUre tree.pdf, or an image in high resolution I-L38 – FigUre tree.png.

This FigUre tree represents the combination of the I-L38 trees, the haplo-tree of FTDNA’s Big Y and the tree of YFull.com. Almost only NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) were taken. Testers who only tested single SNPs or SNP-Packs were only included ((SNP-P) #SNP#) if all SNPs were tested in the immediate vicinity, so that the exact placement is guaranteed.

In addition, all currently known aDNA (ancient DNA) samples were included (#SNP#-a). These have a low coverage. Therefore, they were placed with just a few SNPs and the position on the tree is not accurate. Thanks to some negative SNPs, we have additional information about the mutation order of individual SNPs within the phylogenetic block of Y10705. (The SNPs in the tree trunk below Y10705/S2505 were placed only relative to the samples, i.e. Y10705 could be older than S2501). The samples from the Lichtenstein cave were placed on the tree using 12 STR markers, only.

The numbers in brackets below the SNPs in each clade indicate the TMRCA (Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor). These were taken from the Age estimation of YFull.com. Unfortunately, many participants did not submit with their raw data to Yfull, so that this information is not available everywhere.

Herewith I would like to ask you to take part in the tree of YFull.com and to submit your raw data. For me this is the most beautiful tree and the work with the tools it offers, helped me a lot to understand this topic quite better. If you don’t see any use in it yourself, then you can just do it for me. I would appreciate it in any case.

1 thought on “I-L38 – FigUre Tree – 2019-v7.10”

  1. Thank you for this update. It comes sooner than anticipated, and as you know has been of great interest to our Tilley Family Genealogy Ftdna project over the past 18 months. The work through Big Y and YFull has likely been the driving force which helped get our project established. We have what we believe is a good foundation, and are set to build on that. We look forward to continueing the 2 way support with L38 and Yfull.
    David Tilley

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