BigY 700 upgrades for three testers of I-S2599, ancestor of I-L38 – Many thanks for the donations

A lot has happened since FamilytreeDNA started reporting the Y-haplogroups that are tested with the Family Finder. More than a thousand new I-L38 cousins have been found among the testers, who now have I-L38 or I-S2606 displayed in their Y-haplogroup badge. At the same time, some testers were found who belong to the Y-haplogroup I-S2599, but not to its subgroup I-L38. I was able to contact some of them and we were able to motivate them to upgrade to BigY 700. We have a total of three new BigY 700s in this area, two of which were financed with the help of our I-L38 project FTDNA Donation Fund. I would therefore like to thank everyone who upgraded their test to BigY 700 and those who donated and thus helped to gain new insights into I-S2599. Many, many thanks!

BigY 700 upgrades for three testers of I-S2599, ancestor of I-L38 – Many thanks for the donations Read More »