I-BY174585 Haplogroup: From Norway to England and Spain through Norsemen and Crusaders.
The haplogroup I-BY174585 is a branch of the I-L38 haplogroup. This latter is characterized by being less populous than others haplogroups formed in the same age and distributed (across Europe) from Volga River to Western Iberia in East-West way and from Scandinavia to Sicily and Greece in North-South way.
The haplogroup subject of this study has only three confirmed members from different countries. This latter feature is according with the nature of the haplogroup father except for its young TMRCA of 1825 years ago.
The target of this study is to collect the personal history of the three families who belong to the I-BY174585 (group) and explain their relationship through the History of Europe in the last two millennials.
I-BY174585 Haplogroup: From Norway to England and Spain through Norsemen and Crusaders. Read More »