The I-L38 tree is growing and new testers are constantly joining, upgrading their existing test to a Big Y or directly purchasing a Big Y from FTDNA or a competitive NGS test from another provider and uploading it to Sales in recent months have resulted in many orders for NGS tests. Of these, most have been completed so that I could add them to the current version of the FigUre tree.
This time there were some kits that were uploaded to YFull but not added to the I-L38 group of YFull. This causes problems as it means I cannot accurately position them in the tree, nor separate the branches. At these points I have had to improvise in the hope that I am correct in my assessment.
Therefore a request.
If you have uploaded to YFull and belong to I-L38, join the group
If you uploaded the BigY at FTDNA and belong to I-L38, please join the I-L38 Haplogroup Project.
In addition, please indicate “Country of Origin”.
Thank you.
Below I will present the new members and a list of the pending BigY tests.
This I-L38 – FigUre tree is also available as PDF for download: I-L38 – FigUre tree.pdf.
New Kits and Branches
Pre-I-L38 branches – S2519*
- In February, a Big Y 700 of a man with ancestors from Switzerland was completed. The result of the test was I-S2519* (YF81467 at YFull). In the meantime, a second man of this family has made a BigY. They now have their own subgroup FTA9995.
Hereby I would like to ask the new tester to upload the raw data of the BigY700 to as well, as this represents an important branching on the I-L38 Y-tree.
L38>BY14072 – Two new kits
- BY14072>Y67927: New generic branch Y67927* (Y104047*) by kit with unknown origin. This branch has great potential as there are several Y-STR tests with similar markers.
- BY14072>S27697>Y63859: Split of FT75745 by kit YF87791 on Yfull with unknown origin. Please join the group and enter your “Country of Origin”.
L38>S2606>S24121 – 25 new kits
- S24121>Y16521> Z25123:
Three new kits of a surname project. 2xM302 and one BY44566*. - S24121>Y16521>S21118: New branch BY62474 by kit from Czech Republic. The origin of the tester’s great-grandfather is unknown and could correspond to that of the German match.
- S24121>Y16521>S21118> Z7265>FTA90256: New branch FTA56187 by two men from Ireland with the same surname.
- S24121>Y16521>S21118> Z7265: New branch A522 (?) under Y130307 by kit YF87878 on YFull. Please join the group and enter your “Country of Origin”.
- S24121>Y16521>S21118>BY70548:
New branch FTA55120 with three new kits. Two English with the same surname and one kit with unknown origin. - S24121>Y16521>S21118>FGC36959: New branch BY67463 with two new kits and one existing kit from Denmark. It is possible that another sub-branch is formed here between two of the kits.
- S24121>Y16521>S21118>FGC36959>FGC36962>BY25360>BY25379>BY25367:
New branches through six new kits of the Doane surname project. - S24121>Y16521>S21118>FGC36959: Two kits have been added here that are positive for FGC36959 and negative for FGC36962 by SNP pack. These SNP-based kits are shown in black font and include the suffix (SNP).
- S24121>Y16521>S21118>S11558>Y17139>Y17121>BY14648>Y86214>FT97420>Y89787>FT89138:
New generic branch FT79099* by a new kit of the Smith surname project. - S24121>Y16521>S21118>S11558>Y17139>Y17121>BY14648>Y86214>FT97420:
There is a possibility that the new kit will form a new branch with an existing Y89787. - S24121>Y16521>S21118>S11558>Y17139>Y17121>BY14648>Y86214>BY117260 >BY205115:
New branches through three new kits of the Tilly surname project. - S24121>Y16521>S21118>S11558>Y17139>Y17121>Y17117>Y17122:
Two new kits within a surname project. - S24121>Y16521>S21118>S11558>Y17139>Y17121>Y17117:
A kit has been added here under Y17177 that is positive for Y17117 and negative for Y17122 by SNP pack. These SNP-based kits are shown in black font and include the suffix (SNP).
L38>S2606>FGC29656>BY1183 – 7 new kits
- BY1183>BY174585>FT53005: New branch FT384222.
- BY1183>Y18919: Split of Y18919 and FGC73731 by kit from USA. This split is very interesting. The tester is positive for Y18919 and negative for FGC73731, which includes the slightly larger sub-branches S4556 and Y18921. Unfortunately, the tester could not determine the European country of origin of its ancestor, but has a match from Germany, so it stands to reason that its common ancestor could be from Germany.
Hereby I would like to ask the new tester to upload the raw data of the BigY700 to as well, as this represents an important branch on the I-L38 Y-tree. - BY1183>Y18919>S4556: New branch FT343047>FT342485
- BY1183>Y18919>S4556>BY14000: New generic branch BY14006*.
- BY1183>Y18919>FGC71731>S4556>BY14000>BY14006: New generic branch FT106207* by kit from England.
- BY1183>Y18919>FGC71731>S4556>BY14000>BY14006>FT106207>BY172539: New kit for FT104395.
- BY1183>Y18919>FGC71731>Y18921>BY13990>BY4146>Y19212: New subgroup BY62809>Y46357 by kit from Slovakia (same surname).
L38>S2606>FGC29656>Y13076>PH1237 – 12 new kits
- PH1237>BY14030: Split of BY14030 and BY14026 by kit from USA. This split is very interesting. The tester is positive for BY14030 and negative for BY14026, which includes the slightly larger sub-branches BY14044 and BY25359, as well as BY161442 and two more generic branches.
Unfortunately, the tester could not accurately determine the European country of origin of his ancestor. It is highly probable that it originated in England.
Hereby I would like to ask the new tester to upload the raw data of the BigY700 to as well, as this represents an important branch on the I-L38 Y-tree. - PH1237>BY14030>BY14026: New generic branch BY14026 from a man from Jamaica, with a European origin from Portugal or Spain.
Hereby I would like to ask the new tester to upload the raw data of the BigY700 also to, as this represents an important branching on the I-L38 Y-tree. - PH1237>BY14030>BY14026>BY25359>Y125026:
Two new generic branches Y125026* due to two kits from Hungary. This branches have the particularity that the Y-STR marker is DYR221=14 and thus Ancestral. All other kits under Y125026, apart from BY184790 and the “Greek” branches, have the modified marker DYR221=13.
Hereby I would like to ask the new testers to upload the raw data of the BigY700 to as well, as this represents an important branching on the I-L38 Y-tree. - PH1237>BY14030>BY14026>BY25359>Y125026:
A new kit from a Romanian (YF87291) will form a sub-branch with another kit from Romania (YF71824) with the next update of the YFull tree. The SNP used for this could then be Y48059.
Please join the group and enter your “Country of Origin”. - PH1237>BY14030>BY14026>BY25359>Y125026>Y128714: Due to an upgrade of my own kit from BigY500 to a WGS400 from YSEQ, a SNP has become known that is exclusive to me and my brother. Thus, the sub-branch Y127786 has come into existence.
- PH1237>FT204207: A new kit from Scotland could cause a split of the FT204207 branch.
- PH1237>PH2591: New branch BY68564, by a man from Ukraine with ancestor from Austria.
- PH1237>PH2591>FGC68670: First part of the split of the previous block Y32631.
A tester from the Netherlands is positive for FGC68670 but negative for Y32631 and FGC70142. This forms subgroup PH391 with a man from Ireland who participated in the study by Pille Hallast et al. (2014). - PH1237>PH2591>FGC68670>FGC70142: Second part of the split of the previous block Y32631.
An unknown tester YF83900 is positive for FGC68670 and FGC70142 but negative for Y32631, forming the generic branch FGC70142*.
Please join the group and enter your “Country of Origin”. - PH1237>PH2591>FGC68670>FGC70142>Y32631>Y51873>BY8635: New generic branch BY172565* by a participant of a surname project.
L38>S2606>FGC29656>Y13076>S2488 – four new kits
- S2488>FT191169: New generic branch S2564.
- S2488>Y13074: New generic branch FGC29677* by a Berber from Morocco.
- S2488>Y13074>S8239>S11561:
- Two new kits in the Cornell surname project. An additional generic branch BY40588* and a generic branch BY141661.
Pending Results
Results are still pending for five known kits. These have been grouped below according to the most likely prediction.
- 1x L38 from Brazil, with ancestors from Portugal or Spain.
- 1x PH1237 from USA
- 1x PH1237>BY14026>Y32046>BY161442 from Italy
- 1x S24121>Y16521>S21118 from France
50 I-L38 kits have been completed alongside the one I-S2519 and more than five new kits are expected to follow in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, not all pending tests could be listed because not all men with the haplogroup I-L38 are members of the I-L38 Haplogroup Project. Therefore, I would like to ask all I-L38 men to join the I-L38 Haplogroup Project. One of the outstanding BigY has been supported by the Donation Fund of the I-L38 Haplogroup Project and we look forward to any donation so that we can continue to support upgrade willing members from special branches in the future.
August is again the big Summer Sale at FTDNA. I hope that once again some I-L38 men will take advantage of one of the many offers and order a Big Y700 or other test and upload it to
awesome work
Thank you cousin Kenneth.
Thank you for all your good work!!!
You’re welcome
I have done a Y-700. Do you want my data?
No, as admin I already can see your results and added your kit to the tree.
What you can do is add your BigY700 to YFull next to your BigY500, also and if you didn’t joined the group, just do so. That’s it.
I look forward to each of your revisions, hoping that other members of the Maxson Family Assn. will finally understand that a BigY test tops endless speculation over our ancestors’ origins every time.
The three Big Y results for I-BY165874 which come off the big founder event starburst in the lower right belong to members of the Maxson surname study at FTDNA (a fourth member has tested to Y111). All four share the “Maxson 6” – the unusual six repeats at the DYS454 marker.
Thanks for the excellent work.
I’m on the Lichtenstein cave part of the tree (FT204207). Mystery being that the male part of the family has always identified as Scots/Irish. In order to reconcile that against cousins in Germany, I’ve had to do historical research. Family arrived in the US too long ago for normal DNA matches. Later branches of the tree with matches in eastern Europe also confounds “Scottish” heritage.
Three things I’ve learned:
Surname and YFull matches puts most of my I-L38 matches in NW England, Ulster Ireland and Scotland.
Metallurgical analysis places some metals in NW Europe as Cornish (English) in origin, with extensive metals trade over all of Europe – maybe those men and the metals buried with them were traders from England?
The Roman legions that built Hadrian’s wall in NW England were from Serbia. With incorporation of locals into the Roman Army, is it possible that some locals rotated back to the Serbia/Greece area. Especially once the Roman empire left England?
Food for thought.
Hello, I am the administrator of my father-in-laws Y-111 test revealing Haplogroup I-M170. The group admin told me the following:
“I ran your 111 STR Results at Nevgen and it gave a very good probability that you fall below BY14072 (+/- 4,400 ybp) and possibly at S27697 (+/- 2,300 ybp). I-M170 > P215 > CTS2257 > L460 > P214 > S2599 > S11321 > S2519 > S2497 > L38 > BY14072 > S27697.” AND I got you moved to the I2 P215+ L460+ P214+ L38+ please join
I noted by reading this site as my membership to the new group is pending that he is connected to the branch on your tree with a red open circle and in above comments it seems you need more Big Y’s for the branch “S27697” if my amateur mind is comprehending it well.
Please let me know if that is the case and I will pay for the Big Y. His kit number is xxxxx4. Thank you.
Crystal, administrator for Glen McCoy kit
The Big Y is the test, which gives one the terminal position on the Y-haplogroup tree, so we are always looking forward to see more BigY testers.
Let’s the tree raising.