Haplogroup I-L38

Overview of all aDNA samples of the Y-haplogroup I-L38 to I-S2599

In 1980, 3000-year-old skeletons of forty individuals were found in the Lichtenstein Cave near Osterode in the Harz Mountains. In the dissertation “Molekulargenetische Verwandtschaftsanalysen am prähistorischen Skelettkollektiv der Lichtensteinhöhle” (‘Molecular genetic kinship analyses on the prehistoric skeletal collective of the Lichtenstein Cave’) by Felix Schilz in 2006, the Y-DNA was analysed using Y-STR. Twenty-one of them were males and thirteen of them belonged to the Y-haplogroup I-L38. This led to the carriers of I-L38 being nicknamed ‘Lichtensteiner’. Until 2015, these were the only known aDNA samples (old DNA) of I-L38. Since then, due to a large number of studies, several dozen samples have been added, the ‘uncles and nephews’ of the Lichtensteins, so to speak. By the way – ‘uncle’ Cheddar man, Britain’s oldest almost complete 10,000-year-old skeleton, is also the ‘uncle’ of the Lichtensteins, as well as all other I-L38 cousins.

Overview of all aDNA samples of the Y-haplogroup I-L38 to I-S2599 Read More »

I-L38 – FigUre Tree – 12-2024

A few years ago I saw an interesting graphic of a Y-tree, which I found very illustrative, so I wanted to create such a tree for our Y-haplogroup I-L38, i.e. the Y-haplogroup I-S2599. The aim was to present a complete I-L38 Y-haplogroup tree from the combination of the Y-trees from FamilytreeDNA.com and YFull.com on just one page. The first version was from September 2018 and was published in our I-L38 Facebook group, to which you are warmly invited if you belong to the I-L38 family. A Y-cousin said it would look like an olive tree. I thought “fig tree” would fit better, made a play on words and called the illustration “FigUre Tree”. I update it once or twice a year, so that several versions have already been created.

I-L38 – FigUre Tree – 12-2024 Read More »

BigY 700 upgrades for three testers of I-S2599, ancestor of I-L38 – Many thanks for the donations

A lot has happened since FamilytreeDNA started reporting the Y-haplogroups that are tested with the Family Finder. More than a thousand new I-L38 cousins have been found among the testers, who now have I-L38 or I-S2606 displayed in their Y-haplogroup badge. At the same time, some testers were found who belong to the Y-haplogroup I-S2599, but not to its subgroup I-L38. I was able to contact some of them and we were able to motivate them to upgrade to BigY 700. We have a total of three new BigY 700s in this area, two of which were financed with the help of our I-L38 project FTDNA Donation Fund. I would therefore like to thank everyone who upgraded their test to BigY 700 and those who donated and thus helped to gain new insights into I-S2599. Many, many thanks!

BigY 700 upgrades for three testers of I-S2599, ancestor of I-L38 – Many thanks for the donations Read More »

I-L38 – FigUre Tree – 12-2023

The I-L38 tree is growing and new testers are constantly joining, upgrading their existing test to a Big Y or directly purchasing a Big Y from FTDNA or a competitive NGS test from another provider and uploading it to YFull.com. Sales in recent months have resulted in many orders for NGS tests. Of these, most have been completed so that I could add them to the current version of the FigUre tree.

I-L38 – FigUre Tree – 12-2023 Read More »

Statistics for the I-M170 Y-haplogroup I-L38 (End of 2023)

For my research, but also for the FigUre tree, I have collected our I-L38 cousins from all possible databases and want to show a few statistics here. Sometimes you have to add apples and oranges together, as it is not easy to summarise data with different levels of information, but you still get a small overview.

Statistics for the I-M170 Y-haplogroup I-L38 (End of 2023) Read More »

I-L38 – FigUre Tree – 08-2021

The I-L38 tree is growing and new testers are constantly joining, upgrading their existing test to a Big Y or directly purchasing a Big Y from FTDNA or a competitive NGS test from another provider and uploading it to YFull.com. Sales in recent months have resulted in many orders for NGS tests. Of these, most have been completed so that I could add them to the current version of the FigUre tree.

I-L38 – FigUre Tree – 08-2021 Read More »

I-L38 – FigUre Tree – 04-2021

The I-L38 tree is growing and new testers are joining all the time, upgrading their existing test to a Big Y or directly buying a Big Y or comparable NGS test and uploading it to YFull.com. The November (Black Friday) and December (Winter Sale) sales have resulted in many orders for NGS tests. Of these, most were completed so that I could add them to the current version of the FigUre tree. Some tests from this sale phase have not yet been completed. Below I will present the new additions and a list of pending BigY tests.

I-L38 – FigUre Tree – 04-2021 Read More »